Elisapie - Uvattini


music Official Programming
Duration 90 min.
13 November 2024 at 18:00 Centre Pierre-Péladeau — Salle Pierre-Mercure
Artistic Direction:
Elisapie's new show combines music, narration, video and performance to create a space of ritual where past and present merge, bringing out sweet but also sad memories and powerful emotions. Entitled Uvattini (which means "home" in Inuktitut) and directed by Emilie Monnet, the live experience bears witness to Elisapie's personal story and that of her community of Salluit, a village located in the very north of Nunavik. With its documentary and poetic nature, Uvattini embodies, both visually and musically, the Inuit identity and the cultural significance of their territory. The performance at times resembles a sacred ritual carried by impressive musical arrangements, captivating light shows and filmed images that transform our perspectives and our points of view on the world. Lead Artist Elisapie Guitar Jean-Sébastien Williams Bass Joshua Toal Battery Jérémie Essiambre Production Team Bonsound Directed by Emilie Monnet Choreographer Wynn Holmes Lighting Design Julie Bass Video Design Philippe Léonard Sound Design Alexandre Fallu

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