Duel Reality - All's Fair in Love and War

Les 7 doigts de la main

Duration 75 min.
12 November 2024 at 20:00
13 November 2024 at 20:00
15 November 2024 at 20:00
16 November 2024 at 14:00
16 November 2024 at 20:00
14 November 2024 at 20:00
Artistic Direction: Shana Carroll
The stage drops into a sporting arena. Two teams at odds, striving to rise above the other. Amid provocation and conflict, we glimpse the star-crossed lovers, fierce players who care more about their connection than the game's outcome. Acrobats Daniela Corradi, Gerardo Gutiérrez , Michelle Hernandez, Marco Ingaramo, Miliève Modin-Brisebois, Oskar Norin, Anton Erik Persson, Santiago Rivera, Ashleigh Roper, Arata Urawa Open to distributors only Shuttle service included only on November 13 and 14 Number of seats available: 12 Nov (10) 13 Nov (80) 14 Nov (80) 15 Nov (15) 16 Nov 14h (15) 16 Nov 19h (15) 17 Nov (10)
Represented by
Kevin Bissonnette Les 7 doigts de la main
inter and multi disciplinary arts Official Programming


Martin Messier

Homeostasis maintains vital balance by preserving the organism's suitable temperature, symbolizing perpetuity. In 2022, Jaehoon Bang invites Martin Messier to explore this concept through a performance. The Global Conveyor Belt, an immense...

14 November 2024 at 21:30

theatre OFF CINARS

176 Steps

Théâtre de l’Œil

Octave, an excellent pianist, is paralyzed by fear and never leaves his home. Delphine leads an active life with swimming, fishing, and working at her parents' fish shop. Their unlikely meeting sparks a transformative friendship. "176 Steps" is a...

14 November 2024 at 19:00



Cas Public

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theatre OFF CINARS


L'Illusion, Théâtre de marionnettes

Somewhere in the middle of time, three star-sisters dream of adventure! Together, they embark on a journey to the heart of a vast and endless archipelago. In the course of their journey, they meet curious and fascinating insular creatures, who...

12 November 2024 at 13:00



Marco d'Agostin

Open studio / World premiere: June 2025 A tribute to the musical, to its overwhelming and paradoxical logics, to love stories that end as suddenly as an asteroid and to our human, intolerable finitude. With his usual irony, Marco D'Agostin...

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José Navas/Compagnie Flak

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