Clara Furey

dance Official Programming
Duration 70 min.
Booth 171
11 November 2022 at 14:00 Usine C
Artistic Direction: Clara Furey
Canada (Québec) With its celestial bodies launched into orbit, vibrating in a lustful and hypnotic ritual, Dog Rising mirrors the life cycle, the dynamic flow of matter. From primitive impulses to gestures that are at times sexual, at times mechanical, Clara Furey’s new creation comes together like a polyphony of pulsating bodies, in turns dissonant and in unison. The choreographer pursues her exploration of physical phenomena, initiated with Cosmic Love. She turns her attention to the way sound vibrations penetrate the bones, the way our skeletons absorb shocks, and listens closely to the presence of the body as it fully manifests itself. Interpretation Baco Lepage-Acosta, Be Heintzman Hope, Brian Mendez Concept, artistic direction and production Clara Furey Choreographed by Clara Furey, in association with Be Heintzman Hope, Brian Mendez and Winnie Ho Rehearsal Lucie Vigneault Musical composition Tomas Furey Technical director and Lighting design Karine Gauthier Words by Coral Short Outside eye Peter Jasko, Dana Michel, Christopher Willes, Caroline Monnet International Development A propic | Line Rousseau and Marion Gauvent Executive producer Parbleux Coproduced by Atelier de Paris - CDCN (france), CD Spectacles (Gaspé, Canada), Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans - direction Maud Le Pladec (france), Festival transamériques (Montréal, Canada), La Briqueterie - Centre de développement chorégraphique national du Val-de-Marne (Vitry-sur-Seine, France), La Rotonde (Québec, Canada), New Baltic dance Festival (Vilnius, Lituanie) Partners and support for creation Parbleux (Montréal, Canada), L'Écart - Art Actuel (Rouyn-Noranda, Canada), Danse à la Carte (Montréal, Canada)
Represented by
Line Rousseau A Propic
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