Parini Secondo x Bienoise

Duration 20 min.
11 November 2024 at 19:30
12 November 2024 at 12:30
13 November 2024 at 18:00
Édifice Wilder
Artistic Direction:
HIT OUT is the agile and compact version of HIT, a choreographic and musical project on rope skipping used as a percussive element to manifest embodied rhythms. After a year of athletic training sponsored by MarcRope (Milan), Parini Secondo and Bienoise focus on the sound the skipped rope produces. The jumpers on stage perform a rhythmic and at the same time choreographic score in which single-under, side-swing and double-under, combined with voice and synthetic sounds, harmonise into a true HIT. Choreography Parini Secondo Sound Alberto Ricca/Bienoise Costumes and weaves Giulia Pastorelli Production Parini Secondo, Nexus Factory Co-production Santarcangelo dei Teatri, Bolzano Danza Supported by Ministero della Cultura, Direzione Generale Spettacolo & ATER, Associazione Teatrale Emilia-Romagna Open to all CINARS Biennial participants Number of seats available : 50 Shuttle service not included