
Compagnie Virginie Brunelle

dance Official Programming
Duration 60 min.
14 November 2024 at 18:00 Centre Pierre-Péladeau — Salle Pierre-Mercure
Artistic Direction: Virginie Brunelle
Through a rigorous movement vocabulary, Fables offers a sometimes harsh, sometimes poetic vision of women’s ongoing struggle. Against the backdrop of the chaos of an era turned upside down, the piece projects us into fantastical spaces from which larger than life characters emerge — contemporary female archetypes who paved the way to freedom from invisible yet real barriers. A universe of great evocative power, echoing a crying need for utopia, hope and humanity. Choreography Virginie Brunelle Performers Isabelle Arcand, Nicholas Bellefleur, Sophie Breton, Alexandre Carlos, Chi Long, Milan Panet-Gigon, Marine Rixhon, Peter Trosztmer, Lucie Vigneault, Evelynn Yan Pianist Laurier Rajotte Coach Claudine Hébert Piano composition and soundtrack Laurier Rajotte Soundtrack composition and sound environment Philippe Brault Sound system Maxime Lambert Sound engineer at creation Joël Lavoie Costume Design Elen Ewing Scenography design Marilène Bastien Lighting Design Martin Labrecque Dramaturgy Nicolas Berzi Production Manager Charlotte Ménard Technical Department François Marceau Co-producers LAC - Lugano Arte e Cultura, Dance Dance, Ottawa National Arts Centre, Harbourfront Centre, Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur Thanks to the support of the National Arts Centre's, Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec arts of Montreal

Duel Reality - All's Fair in Love and War

Les 7 doigts de la main

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circus Official Programming


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circus Official Programming


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circus Official Programming


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