
Cas Public

Canada (Quebec)
Duration 55 min.
15 November 2024 at 12:30
15 November 2024 at 20:15
Édifice Wilder
Artistic Direction: Hélène Blackburn et Cai Glover
Beethoven composed his Ninth Symphony when he was almost completely deaf. Cai Glover is hard of hearing and chooses to dance without his hearing aid. What do our senses – or their absence – tell us about our world and, more importantly, how do they guide us beyond our differences? Perceiving, experiencing, understanding. With four hands, Hélène Blackburn and Cai Glover delve into this breathtaking epic to embrace the grandeur of one of the greatest masterpieces of the classical repertoire: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. In this version, where rigor continues to guide beauty, sight and hearing take a back seat, allowing the pure magic of dance to take center stage. The physical choreography questions the emotions we attribute to inanimate objects and how these objects can fill the gaps that our disabilities – no matter their size – create between us and reality. Blackburn brilliantly conveys the work to Glover, who remains a talented performer but also becomes the co-artistic director and responsible for future reprises, bringing his own perspective to the choreographer's revolutionary ideas. Beethoven's revisited music molds to the contemporary, physical, and demanding vocabulary evolving in a setting where light plays tricks on us. An audacious journey of sensations, 9.2 reaches all generations, includes every body, every individual, and transforms them into language. Choreographers Helène Blackburn, Cai Glover Open to all CINARS Biennal participants Number of seats available : 150 Shuttle service not included French version available
Represented by
Mickaël Spinnhirny CAPAS • Label de danse

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