The Little Cabaret - A Celebration of Mischief

Le Carrousel, compagnie de théâtre

Canada (Quebec)
theatre Official Programming
Duration 45 min.
14 November 2024 at 12:45 MEM - Centre des mémoires montréalaises
Artistic Direction: Le Carrousel, compagnie de théâtre | mise en scène: Marie-Eve Huot
At a secret party, two spirited and uninhibited characters play the role of hosts, in a space where a touch of innocent mischief is embraced without hesitation. And here's the catch: no adults allowed! Well... perhaps a select few might be granted special access, but only a handful. Because within this intimate Little Cabaret, it's the children who hold the reins of decision-making. Plawright Martin Bellemare Directed by Marie-Eve Huot Stage support Alexandra Sutto Distribution Mathieu Gosselin, Pénélope Ducharme or Cori Griffith and Némo Venba Production and technical management Nicolas Fortin Music Diane Labrosse Space and accessories Margot Lacoste Lights Louis-Xavier Gagnon-Lebrun assisted by Nicola Dubois Costumes and accessories Sarah Chabrier Hairstyles and Makeup Suzanne Trépanier Companion in stage dramaturgy Patrice Charbonneau-Brunelle Costume Support Vivienne Worotnik Couture Sarah Chabrier and Danielle Fagen Wigs Perruques & Co Sound and light control Rebecca Brouillard The Little Cabaret - A Celebration of Mischief is a creation of the Carrousel, compagnie de théâtre, in co-production with the Théâtre français du Centre national des Arts (Ottawa) and the Société de développement culturel de Terrebonne


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