Bang bang

Manuel Roque

Duration 60 min.
Booth 175
14 November 2024 at 16:00 Écomusée du fier monde
Artistic Direction: Compagnie Manuel Roque
Dans le cadre de SÉRIE B bang bang is a hardship. Involving a repetition of jumps and athletic patterns counted in 11, it demands exceptional concentration and physical commitment from the performers. A hardship that gradually drips with combativeness and resistance, revealing the human-performer's flaws. As a pair, the ordeal becomes a sharing of strengths and weaknesses, where continuing to jump becomes at once absurd, poetic and political. Dance Nils Levazeux, Manuel Roque Choreographer Manuel Roque Open to presenters and observers only Number of seats available : 30 Shuttle service not included
Represented by
Marie-Andrée Gougeon DLD