
Marco d'Agostin

Duration 25 min.
11 November 2024 at 19:30
12 November 2024 at 12:30
13 November 2024 at 18:00
Édifice Wilder
Artistic Direction:
Open studio / World premiere: June 2025 A tribute to the musical, to its overwhelming and paradoxical logics, to love stories that end as suddenly as an asteroid and to our human, intolerable finitude. With his usual irony, Marco D'Agostin builds a score for voice and body that - moving between paleontology, dance and feeling - tells of the infinite means in which life always finds a way to resist. By and with Marco D’Agostin Sound project Marco D’Agostin and Luca Scapellato Lights Paolo Tizianel Scene Paola Villani Production VAN Supported by Ministero della Cultura, Direzione Generale Spettacolo & ATER, Associazione Teatrale Emilia-Romagna Coproduction Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d’Europa; Théâtre de la Ville, Paris; Teatri di Pistoia; La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne; Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Virgilio Sieni Firenze; Pôle-Sud CDCN Strasbourg; Festival Aperto / Fondazione I Teatri - Reggio Emilia; Snaporazverein The piece can be performed in English, French, Spanish and Italian. Open to all CINARS Biennial participants Number of seats available : 50 Shuttle service not included
Represented by
Sandro Cappelli Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Montréal